e shtunë, 6 tetor 2007
e shtunë, 30 qershor 2007
e mërkurë, 27 qershor 2007
Episode 04 -- Directory Tree Structure
trunk/ Main trunk directory
/Atmosphere/ Atmosphere models root directory
/COAMPS COAMPS root directory (empty)
/WRF WRF root directory (empty)
/Compilers/ make configuration files
/Data/ Input data root directory
/ROMS/ ROMS data root directory
/CDL ROMS Metadata design
/Forcing Input test cases forcing NetCDF files
/Grid Input test cases grid NetCDF files
/Initial Input test cases initial conditions NetCDF files
/Lib/ External libraries
/ARPACK Arpack eigenvalue problem solver library
/MCT Modeling Coupling Tool library
/MCT_WRF Modeling Coupling Tool library, WRF umbrella
/Master Main standalone and coupling programs
/ROMS/ ROMS root directory
/Adjoint Adjoint model
/Bin Executable scripts
/Drivers Computational drivers
/External Standard input scripts
/Functionals Analytical expression header files
/Include Test cases configuration header files
/Modules Declaration modules
/Nonlinear Nonlinear model
/Obsolete Discontinued files
/Programs Support programs
/SeaIce Sea-ice model (empty)
/Representer Representer model
/Tangent Tangent linear model
/Utility Generic utility files
License_ROMS.text Open source license
Version SVN Version information
/User/ ROMS User interface root directory
/External User standard input scripts
/Functionals User analytical expresions templates
/Include User application header files
/WAVES/ Waves models root directory
/SWAN SWAN root directory
/External SWAN input data and standard input files
/Src SWAN model
e shtunë, 23 qershor 2007
e martë, 19 qershor 2007
Episode 03 -- Terminology in ROMS
prognostic equation—Any equation governing a system that contains a time derivative of a quantity and therefore can be used to determine the value of that quantity at a later time when the other terms in the equation are known (e.g., vorticity equation)
diagnostic equation—Any equation governing a system that contains no time derivative and therefore specifies a balance of quantities in space at a moment of time (e.g., hydrostatic equation, balance equation)
diagnostic variable —A quantity that is derived for the new timestep after the prognostic variables have been calculated, for example vertical wind speed. Further quantities are then computed via parameterizations
1 komentet
e hënë, 18 qershor 2007
Episode 02 -- Install software for ROMS
>1G free space
Linux with GNOME and Mozilla Firefox
1. Install JRE (Java Runtime Environment) -- Smartsvn requires JRE 1.4.1 or higher
Navigate to http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp#lin and download Linux (self-extracting file) to /user/java
Login as root user
# cd /user/java
# chmod a+x jre-1_5_0-linux-i586.bin
# ./jre-1_5_0-linux-i586.bin and follow the instructions to complete installation
(Note: for more information see http://www.java.com/en/download/help/5000010500.xml#selfextracting)
2. Install Smartsvn
Smartsvn can be used as soon as it is unpacked, so choose an appropriate directory before you start this program.
Navigate to http://www.syntevo.com/smartsvn/download.jsp and download Generic (Linux, Unix, OS/2)
# gunzip smartsvn-generic-2_1_8.tar.gz
# tar –xvf smartsvn-generic-2_1_8.tar
# cd smartsvn-2_1_8/bin
# smartsvn.sh
3. Install ifort (Intel® Fortran Compiler)
Navigate to http://www.intel.com/cd/software/products/asmo-na/eng/compilers/282048.htm
click “Free Non-commercial download” >“accept” > “Intel® Fortran Compiler Professional Edition for Linux”
You need provide a valid email address, so that Intel Software Development can send you the serial number and *.lic file (1st installation with serial number and 2nd needs *.lic)
“Intel(R) Fortran Compiler for Linux” > Version “9.0” > “Full Product”>”download”
# gunzip l_fc_c_9.0.033.tar.gz
# tar –xvf l_fc_c_9.0.033.tar
# cd l_fc_c_9.0.033
# ./install.sh and follow the instructions to complete installation. You may need to choose a directory to install opt/intel/fc/9.0 and opt/intel/idb/9.0.
Wherever you decide to create such a directory, please remember to add them to $PATH
# gedit $HOME/.bash_profile
Find “user specific environment and startup program”
4. Install Netcdf
5. Install make3.81 (if running ROMS-3.0)
e mërkurë, 13 qershor 2007
Episode 01 -- Linux installation
Recently, I started to run ROMS ~~~ I had to say:
"really exhausted but happy job".ROMS was not as
easy as I expected, so more effort is needed.
I hope dear rookies will join me until we become
expertized together...
-- Yun Li
1. Red Hat Linux 8.0 installation CD (3 pieces)
2. XX software (allocate physical disks)
3. Internet connection
4. Red Hat Linux 8.0
> 1.5 GB of free disk space
> 1.8 GB of free disk space (If choosing both the GNOME and KDE)
> 32M RAM (Required)
> 64M RAM (Recommended)
Install Linux to my Laptop -- Founder Yihe S260
1. Check requirement and hardware
15G Free disk space
256M RAM
Intel Celeon
Intel® 82852/82855 GM/GME (Vitally important for display configuration)
2. Allocate disk space
My laptop was once installed Windows XP sp2 as OS. I do not want to withdraw it temporarily, so my husband Sam helps me reallocate 15G D disk space with XXX software. Then we get logical allocation as:
3. Follow the instruction and install Linux, please remember to select all the necessary packages. For me, I will run ROMS, so the developing package and GCC kit are indispensable.
4. Rebooting the computer is required for complete installation. But my video card is not automatically detected by the drivers included in Linux 8.0, so I fail to log into the system with GUI (Graphic User Interface). Get rid of this problem, follow the steps below,
Plugin the internet cable and restart PC. Follow the prompt to log into root user, and then type the command lines one by one
# wget http://downloadmirror.intel.com/8203/eng/i915Graphics.tar.gz Mydisk/dir
# gunzip Mydisk/dir/i915Graphics.tar.gz
# tar –xvf Mydisk/dir/i915Graphics.tar
# cd Mydisk/dir/dripkg
# startx
(NOTE : http://downloadmirror.intel.com/8211/eng/dri-I915-v1.1-20041217.i386.rpm can be an alternative, but a little complicated)